In the last post, I showed you two pictures of wind farms and asked you to identify where these wind farms were located.

Here are the photos:

These photos were taken near Amarillo, Texas. If you skip the politics of wind power (are these turbines truly harmful to birds and other wild life?), here are some other interesting statistics about wind power in Texas:

  • U.S. generated wind power is second only to China in the harnessing of wind for electricity generation
  • There are over 40 different wind power projects in Texas alone
  • Texas produces more wind power than any other U.S. state; second high producer is Iowa
  • Wind power accounts for 6.9 percent of electricity generated in Texas in 2011
  • Wind farms are located along a swath of land that runs from Amarillo to the north, south through Lubbock, Fluvanna, Snyder, Sweetwater and Abilene.
  • To help with the capture of the wind power, many of the turbines are located atop mesas and buttes that are abundant in West Texas (actually, there are so many of these suckers, that if the turbines were Indians and I was a cavalryman, I’d be very, very worried).

For additional statistics about wind power in Texas go to Wikipedia and search “Wind power in Texas.”